
NO TIME TO WASTE! – Environmental Youth Summit

This project aimed to empower young people to influence policy makers during the policy creation stage of the 2030 agenda for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on both a National and European level.

The intention was:
1) To provide young people with the space and opportunity to exchange knowledge and ideas on achieving environmentally themed SDGs through structured dialogue with local politicians with a particular focus on waste.
2) To develop their skills in peer education by empowering the young people with the necessary tools required for them to take action.
3) To support young people to develop and implement their own action plans following the summit, and to coordinate a day event as part of this.
4) To maintain dialogue in the post action phase with politicians on getting actions implemented into policy.

The project engaged partners from 4 countries (Ireland, Norway, Spain and Greece). Although there were a core group of 58 participants (40 from Ireland and 18 from abroad), a total of 90 young people (aged 15-18) participated in at least one Activity. The partner organisations from Ireland included: ECO-UNESCO’s Youth for Sustainable Development group (YSD) in Dublin, Bray, Drogheda, and Carlow. Groups from outside of Ireland included the Hordaland County Council (Norway), Resilience Earth SCCL (Spain), and the Club for UNESCO of Piraeus & Islands (Greece). The programme was also supported by 15+ politicians and policy-makers as well as by experts from within ECO-UNESCO’s staff and a number of young social innovators and activists.


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