
This eDirectory is a comprehensive collection of innovative projects,
policy papers, methodological approaches, resources, and tools on supporting apprenticeship programmes to implement the Sustainable Development Goals in Small and Medium-seized Enterprises.”

The following compilation of resources and tools is primarily intended for VET educators and in-company trainers in the form of a digital educational instrument to enable them to extend and develop their skills in supporting apprenticeship programmes to implement the SDGs in SMEs.

You can navigate all the resources included in the database, or search specific resources by selecting among “Category”, “National or international resource”, “Language” “Country of origin” or “Type of resource”. You can also make an open search by typing any text in the “Text search”.

Type of resource

Results: 165

“EU Talent”-Business in Europe Hostining Apprentices for Youth

EU Talent" -Business in Europe Hostining Apprentices for Youth is a two-year project, funded by the European Commission, which aims to create a support network, at European and national level,...
Projects Italy English Italian Document Other Website

#ESDfor2030 Conference Session 12 - Putting Education for Sustainable Development into action B

The UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development was held virtually in Berlin from 17-19 May 2021. Thi is the video recording of the sessions 12, part of which...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches UNESCO English Video

12 activities to work the SDGs in classroom

The present document compiles 12 different activities that can be put into practice in classroom. The document suggests in which subject can be done, the objective of the activity, the...
Tools and resources Spain Spanish Document

12 activities to work the SDGs in classroom (girls and boys tell us the world)

In this activity they want make students comprehend the childhood reality in the world, to make them know the relevance of solidarity. The teacher presents the activity by asking their...
Tools and resources Spain Spanish Document

12 activities to work the SDGs in classroom (The SDGs)

In this activity they want make students comprehend the significance of establishing goals to face real world’s problems. The time foreseen to complete the activity is 30 minutes and colour...
Tools and resources Spain Spanish Document

A framework for quality apprenticeships

Following the introduction, chapter 1 examines the concept of apprenticeship and how it is defined in international, regional and national contexts. It also introduces the concept of quality apprenticeships promoted...
Policy papers European Union English Document

A mix of tools to support work transitions

An article of the most important Italian Business Newspaper which talks about how to reform extra-curricular internships, dual and professional apprenticeships. Job relocation and professional retraining with Pnrr funds, more...
Tools and resources Italy Italian Document Website

A Sustainability Education Model: Schumacher College

Shumacher College was introduced as a model for sustainability education and discussed according to basic principles of sustainability education. The study was conducted within the context of a project (Ecological...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Turkey Turkish Document

Accelerating Cross-Border Transaction of SME

ACT-SME represents a timely and practical answer to those needs identified at EU level. The objective of ACT-SME was to contribute to the growth and competitiveness of SMEs by developing...
Projects Turkey Turkish Other

Access to Apprenticeship

The Technological University of Dublin offers a programme that supports the transition of young people (16-24) from disadvantaged backgrounds into an apprenticeship scheme. This is a 12 week full-time programme...
Projects Ireland English Other Website

Action Plan for Apprenticeship 2021-2025

This document elaborated by the Irish Ministry for further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science outlines the context, the development of the action plan, the vision and objectives in...
Policy papers Ireland English Document

ADAPT LABOUR STUDIES E-BOOK SERIES - Apprenticeship: comparative framework and best practices

An e-book written by and for "ADAPT - Higher education school in industrial and labor relations" that "photographs" the Italian situation on the issues of apprenticeship and describes experiences and...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Italy Italian Document Other

ADAPT Webinar “WebinarGood apprenticeship practices at school at the time of Covid

ADAPT is a Higher Education school that deals with all issues relating to education, training and apprenticeships. They publishes a lot of material in the most modern forms such as...
Good practices Italy Italian Video

Add S.O.S (Adding to the Planet Sustainable Permeable Surface)

Thanks to this project students of CEU high school of Professional Studies will use all vertical and horizontal surfaces, such as floors, façades, or roofs which allow the transformation into...
Projects Spain Spanish Other

Adventures in Global Education

Adventure in Outdoor Education is a six-day training course which will open up the interactive realities of the outdoor world and their metaphorical significance in navigating current social, political and...
Projects Ireland English Other Website

An SME Strategy for a sustainable and digital Europe

SMEs are deeply woven into Europe’s economic and social fabric. They provide two out of three jobs, bring training opportunities across regions and sectors, including for low-skilled workers, and support...
Policy papers European Union English Document


With this project it is aimed to support the entrepreneurship, specially, in rural zones which are dealing with demographic deficit. For this, Spaniard centres of National recognition were called so...
Projects Spain Spanish Website

Apprentices job vacancies

This section of the “Generation Apprenticeship” website is particularly dedicated to list job vacancies for apprenticeships. The vacancies can be filtered by location, type of apprenticeship and include key word...
Tools and resources Ireland English Other Website

Apprenticeship Employer Grant

This initiative by the Irish government was created to support the implementation of certain apprenticeships were training needs had been identified. Employers can receive 2.000 EUR per apprentice per year...
Good practices Ireland English Other Website

Apprenticeship Guidance - Information day at work

Since 2005, HAIMER organizes two days a year of professional information. In these job fairs, students have the opportunity to establish their first contacts with companies in the region and...
Tools and resources Italy Italian Website

Apprenticeship information website “Generation Apprenticeship”

The Government of Ireland and the SOLAS network (the state agency dedicated to building further education and training sector) sustain a website which is completely devoted to provide information about...
Tools and resources Ireland English Website

Apprenticeship Operative Manual

This document summarizes the main objective for the Apprenticeship courses is to provide operational indications aimed at promoting the knowledge and dissemination of the first level apprenticeship contract and to...
Tools and resources Italy Italian Document

Apprenticeship toolkit

This toolkit by the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health in the UK provides resources to assist employers that are considering recruiting apprentices with guidance and information on how to get...
Tools and resources United Kingdom English Other Website

Apprenticeship Toolkit for Schools

The toolkit contains interactive teaching and learning resources designed to enable learners to understand and navigate the wealth of information and support available around Apprenticeship and employment.
Tools and resources United Kingdom English Document

APPver Project: Transnational model for the training of school tutors, agencies of professional training and corporate for the green economy

One of the specific objectives of the A.P.P.Ver. concerns the training of company tutors e educational / training courses for a better and more qualified cooperation and management of alternation...
Good practices Italy Italian Document

Article “Is an apprenticeship for me?”

This is an article about an interview with Alan McGrath, director of SOLAS (State agency for further education and training) in which he explains what apprenticeships have to offer to...
Tools and resources Ireland English Other

Base report for local adaptation of the SDGs in Cascais

The Municipality of Cascais carried out a project that resulted in a report aiming to demonstrate a hypothesis in the approach for a local adaptation process to the United Nations...
Projects Portugal Portuguese Document

Beginner’s toolkit for community colleges: Implementing apprenticeship programs

This work book was developed for attendees at the first Harper College national apprenticeship conference, October 2018. Because the Harper College Office of Apprenticeship is substantially funded by the national...
Tools and resources USA English Document

Best Practice framework for Online Safety Education

Best Practice Framework for Online Safety Education establishes a consistent national approach that supports education systems across Australia to deliver high quality programs, with clearly defined elements and effective practices....
Good practices Australia English Document

Brindisi Shines

he “Brindisi Shines” project, sponsored by the Municipality of Brindisi and implemented with the contribution of ENEL Group, consists of a real STEM field that will involve 40 first and...
Projects Italy Italian Website

Buenas Prácticas - Pacto Mundial Red Española

The Spanish Global Compact website offers a database with more than 1200 examples and case studies of good practices of organisations working to provide creative and innovative solutions that contribute...
Tools and resources Spain Spanish Website

Careers’ portal – Apprenticeships

The Irish government runs a career portal with plenty of media, information and community services included. At this portal they maintain a particular section with ich dedicated to apprenticeships. The...
Tools and resources Ireland English Website

CEO’s guide for the Sustainable Development Goals

The CEO Guide aims for business leaders to see the pursuit of the SDGs as an opportunity and to commit to their implementation by integrating them into business strategy, collaborating...
Tools and resources Portugal Portuguese Document

CIFPA – Aragon’s Professional Training Innovation Centre

The centre is strongly committed to the 2030 Agenda and to the fulfilment of the Sustainable development Goals, particularly those related to the core activities of the organisation. Their commitment...
Good practices Spain Spanish Document Website

Circular Economy and Resource Efficiency Platform Project

The aim of the project is to contribute in every aspect to increase resource efficiency and circularity in the industry, priority sectors and value chains in Istanbul; to create a...
Projects Turkey Turkish Website

Circular Economy Skills Initiative

The Circular Economy Skills Initiative provides career-opportunities for women and men who have an interest in prolonging the life-cycle of our white goods in the interest of sustainability, reduced waste...
Good practices Ireland English Website


Project financed by the Spanish government and the EU through the Next Generation EU funds focused on improving the skills of VET students in the working environment with regard to...
Projects Spain Spanish Website

Collection of good practices in education for sustainable development no. 1. Schools towards Networked Sustainability (ESenRED) - Colección de buenas prácticas de educación para el desarrollo sostenible nº 1. Escuelas hacia la sostenibilidad en Red (ESenRED)

This publication is the first of a collection focused on ESenRED (Schools towards Sustainability in Network), which is the state network of networks of non-university sustainable education centres promoted by...
Policy papers Spain Spanish Document

Collection of good practices in education for sustainable development no. 2. ESenRED Teachers' Symposium - Colección de buenas prácticas de educación para el desarrollo sostenible nº 2. Simposio de docentes ESenRED

This publication is the second in a series on the creation of ESenRED. Specifically, it deals with the ESenRED Teachers' Symposium with the aim of creating spaces in which to...
Policy papers Spain Spanish Document

Collection of Good Practices in Education for Sustainable Development No. 3. International Youth Conference: Let's Take Care of the Planet (CONFINT) - Colección de buenas prácticas de educación para el desarrollo sostenible nº 3. Conferencia Internacional de Jóvenes: Cuidemos el planeta (CONFINT)

This document is the third and last in a series of good practice publications on Education for Sustainable Development. The document addresses the Caring for the Planet International Youth Conference...
Policy papers Spain Spanish Document

Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Apprenticeship

Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Apprentices learn to act as the social conscience for an organization, helping you to innovate and drive company ambitions for social and environmental change. Course content...
Good practices United Kingdom English Other Website

COUNCIL RECOMMENDATION on learning for environmental sustainability

Like all sectors, education and training must take also action to respond to the climate emergency and planetary crisis – in terms of its own operations and, crucially, how it...
Policy papers European Union English Document

Creative InternPrize

Project work is generated by the school in partnership with local industry and players in culture, media, social work, youth and other fields and in this way it places students...
Projects Turkey Turkish Website

Debates around SDGs topics

This is not something specific we have seen in a particular project/initiative/school. While doing the research we came across with a wide of sites where they suggested the idea of...
Tools and resources Spain Spanish Other

Design Education for Sustainability: Identifying Opportunities in Ireland’s Second Level Education System

Design Education for Sustainability has the potential to accelerate and encourage education that contributes to the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. (1) Arguably the potential of Design Education for Sustainability remains...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Ireland English Document Other

Developing the awareness levels of vocational high school students for sustainable development

The purpose of this study, project-based learning supported by a variety of active learning activities to investigate what the impact on the level of awareness about the sustainability vocational high...
Good practices Turkey Turkish Document

Development relationship in European Apprenticeship Methodologies to Join Organizational Best Practices - Analysis of the apprenticeship system - DREAM JOB project

The aim of the Dream Jopb project is to initiate the systematization, at European level of apprenticeship experiences through the creation of a permanent European Centre, aimed at collecting, summarizing...
Policy papers Italy Italian Document

Dictionary of Sustainable Development

This Dictionary is presented as a tool for all those who want to know more about Development and Global Citizenship.
Tools and resources Portugal Portuguese Video Website

Didactic itinerant exhibitions on SDGs

The Intermunicipal Network for Cooperation for Development (Rede Intermunicipal de Cooperação para o Desenvolvimento - RICD) has designed a set of 3 itinerant exhibitions developed within the framework of the...
Projects Portugal Portuguese Other

Do Your MOB

The Project - Event - attended by over 60 mobility actors, educational agencies, Italian and international institutions and companies - took place on Thursday 2 and Friday 3 December 2021...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Italy English Italian Other Website

Document from Ministry of Labour and Social Policies

This is the institutional website of Italian Government dedicated to Apprentices issues where you can find news, rules, link to regional laws and whatever concern apprenticeship themes
Policy papers Italy Italian Website

Dual Apprenticeship

The Municipality of the City of Livorno in Tuscany Region made this educational video with an Association of Job Consultants, professionals who support companies for Apprenticeship paths.
Good practices Italy Italian Video

Eco-Lighthouse Foundation: environmental certification for small- and medium sized businesses (SMEs) and public organisations

Eco-Lighthouse Foundation is a national certification scheme recognised by the European Commission, widely used in Norway for enterprises seeking to document their environmental efforts and demonstrate social responsibility.
Good practices Norway English Website

Education for sustainability – The National Strategy on Education for Sustainable Development in Ireland, 2014-2020

This policy paper outlines the Irish strategy for education for sustainable development from 2014 until 2020. In this document the context is described and 8 priority action areas are listed....
Policy papers Ireland English Document

Education for Sustainable Development Goals: learning objectives

Publication designed as guide for education professionals on the use of ESD in learning for the SDG, and consequently to contribute to achieve the SDGs.
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches France English French Portuguese Spanish Document Website

Education on climate change

The Climate Change Education and Awareness Project, implemented in cooperation with the Ministry of National Education and TEMA Foundation, aims to raise awareness of children and adults about climate and...
Projects Turkey Turkish Website

Educational Plan for the Environmental Sustainability Education (ESD)

This document fixes the objective of defining the strategical lines of the ESD for the next 5 years, offering a working framework to reinforce those policies that may face the...
Policy papers Spain Spanish Document

Energetic poverty

Students of Madrid’s Polytechnic University have the opportunity to do their internships carrying out audits, as well as micro-interventions in the homes of families selected together with VET students. The...
Projects Spain Spanish Document

Engaged with the Sustainable Development Goals

Valencian Community’s CEU high school of Professional Studies being conscious of the importance of rising awareness towards the SDGs, decided to contribute to the achievement of some of them. For...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Spain Spanish Other

Enterprises Agenda 2030

This project aims to actively involve Trentino business organisations in the development of the the objectives of the Provincial Strategy for Sustainable Development (“SproSS”) The initiative is supported by theTrentino...
Projects Italy Italian Website

Environmental change in European start-uppers thinking and acting – the solution for common sustainable development

The Environmental change project, aligned with these principles, aims to improve and validate the environmental competences of start-uppers, young entrepreneurs and VET providers focusing on six key-areas: transition to natural...
Projects Poland English Greek Polish Portuguese Slovenian Spanish App Document Presentation Social network Website

EnviroVET - Promoting and Tracking Environmental Sustainability in VET

The EnviroVET project has as its strategic focus to strengthen the skills and knowledge of Vocational Education and Training (VET) institutions and professionals on environmental issues, so that they can...
Projects Poland English Estonian Hungarian Latvian Lithuanian Polish Portuguese Spanish Document Presentation Social network Website

Establishing a programme for the internal market, competitiveness of enterprises, including SMEs

This Regulation establishes a programme for improving the functioning of the internal market, the competitiveness and sustainability of enterprises, especially micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, and consumer protection, for the...
Policy papers European Union English Document

European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA ) Action plan 2022

This document is the EAfA action plan for the year 2022. On the basis of EAfA’s priorities and objectives, the action plan for 2022 was built on members’ feedback and...
Policy papers European Union English Document

Executive Master in Sustainability and Business Innovation

The Executive Master in Sustainability and Business Innovation is created to develop a new strategic vision and to provide skills and operational tools to those who manage sustainability, circular economy...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Italy Italian Other Website - Community

he community of “” wants to be a meeting place for companies, schools, universities, training centers, consultants, researchers, trade unionists, young people, who will be able to share practical cases,...
Projects Italy Italian Website

Federation of SMEs in the Metal and New Technologies Sector of Las Palmas (FEMEPA) supporting sustainable development

The Federation of SMEs in the Metal and New Technologies Sector of Las Palmas (FEMEPA) is committed to promoting projects that contribute to the environmental sustainability of both the Federation's...
Projects Spain Spanish Other Website

First level apprenticeship: operational solutions and best practices

The document prepared by Industrial Association of Lombardy Region “ASSOLOMBARDA” the richest in Italy, focuses on the first level apprenticeship which - as consolidated with the Jobs Act of 2015...
Policy papers Italy Italian Video Website

FITT - Increasing the quality of apprenticeship for vocational qualifications in Italy

The aim of the project is to improve and introduce innovation within the recent apprenticeship reform, insisting on apprenticeship for the qualification and for the professional diploma. The action is...
Good practices Italy Italian Other Website

Fostering the educative sustainable development

This project was born thanks to a teacher of the VET centre “Alonso de Madrigal” located in Avila. She has always fostered educative sustainable development by running different kinds of...
Projects Spain Spanish Website

Frequently Asked Questions on Apprenticeship Programs

Learners will be able to see the previous questions related to Apprenticeship programs on this website, find appropriate answers to these questions and have the opportunity to have better understanding...
Tools and resources Turkey Turkish Website


The ultimate aim of the project “From School to Labour Market” was to increase the overall quality in VET through developing VET partnerships. All through the cycle of the project...
Projects Turkey Turkish Website

Game based learning

This methodology consists on introducing games, both physical and digital, in classroom, as a tool for the learning process. This methodology’s main goal is to achieve students to absorb curricular...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Spain Spanish Document

GLO-VET project - Making vocational education promote global responsibility and sustainable actions

GLO-VET is an erasmus + project which aims at tackling the most serious issue of our time ** sustainable development and particularly climate change ** by developing the professional skills...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Sweden English Other Website

Good apprenticeship practices at school at the time of Covid

ADAPT is a Higher Education school that deals with all issues relating to education, training and apprenticeships. They publishes a lot of material in the most modern forms such as...
Good practices Italy Italian Video Website

Good Practices for the 4th SDG “Quality Education”. INTIVI Space. Video and podcast recording set.

A space has been prepared with a chroma key and video recording and editing equipment for video tutorials. The idea is to record videos of online courses by speakers and...
Good practices Spain Spanish Document

Good Practices for the 4th SDG “Quality Education”. Training in social responsibility and sustainable development goals for teachers.

Teachers who train the “business and entrepreneurship and business projects” module received a training course in social responsibility and SDGs. The aim was that teachers who received this training transmitted...
Good practices Spain Spanish Document

Green Deal Action Plan

This document addresses the need for a holistic approach to the effects of policy changes, primarily the EU, on industry, agriculture, energy and transportation policies in connection with Turkey's foreign...
Policy papers Turkey Turkish Document

Greening Technical and Vocational Education and Training: a practical guide for institutions - UNESCO-UNEVOC

In 2017, UNESCO-UNEVOC published the Greening Technical and Vocational Education and Training: a practical guide for institutions, which serves as a global reference for managers, leaders, and teachers in transforming...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches UNESCO English Document

GreenVET- Greening Training Modules with Toolkit

Website of GreenVET, the Erasmus+ project which addresses Greening TVET. In te “resource section of the The website the output oaf the project are available for download: Learner Training Module:...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Malta English Website

Growing energy project (Energie per crescere)

The energy transition that will guide Italy in the coming years towards an increasingly electrified and "carbon free" infrastructure requires new professionals. With the “Energie per Crescere” Program, Enel is...
Projects Italy Italian Website

Guide to the “Participated Design” –Milan Metropolitan City

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is an action program for people, the planet and prosperity signed in September 2015 by the governments of the 193 UN member countries1. The...
Tools and resources Italy Italian Document

Handbook for developing a national apprenticeship

This document provides a step by step instruction on how to provide a national apprenticeship in Ireland. The document takes the users through: - Proposal research and skills need -...
Policy papers Ireland English Document

i.e. SMART. Training Network for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Emerging Sustainable Economic Sector

he I. E. SMART - Smart Training Network for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Emerging Sustainable Economic Sectors project is a Central Europe transnational cooperation project, in which Italy is one...
Projects Italy Italian Other Website

IN-JOBS – INclusive JOBs

IN-JOBS - INclusive JOBs is an employability strengthening project carried out by Mestieri Lombardia, with the support of J.P. Morgan, to counter the effects of Covid 19 on the labor...
Projects Italy Italian Document Other Website


The aim of the study is to determine the various in service training activities that corporate companies apply based on their sustainability report and present a Picture for companies or...
Tools and resources Turkey Turkish Document

Individual Sustainability Pass

The Sustainability Pass is designed to support all staff of all disciplines and skill levels in understanding how their sustainable actions will play a vital role in the country's collective...
Good practices Ireland English Other Website

Information about apprenticeships in general

The and “Generation Apprentice” offer complete listings about all different types of apprenticeships. They also published a series of 12 videos explaining certain professions
Tools and resources Ireland English Video

Information centre on “How to become an apprentice”

The official website of the Irish government has a special section dedicated on how to become an apprentice. This section of their website informs about apprenticeships in Ireland in general,...
Tools and resources Ireland English Website

INSEAD Business Sustainability Programme

The INSEAD Business Sustainability Programme is designed for senior executives and decision-makers: CEOs, CFOs, COOs, Vice Presidents and Heads of Department who need to understand the business case for sustainability...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches USA English Other Website

Inspirational cases for the SDGs education in Spanish Universities

This document collects a kind of guideline to include SDGs in Spanish Universities, basic training to learn how to include sustainability in the University, study cases to include and promote...
Good practices Spain Spanish Document

Institute for Apprenticeships & Technical Education (Sustainability Commitment)

This platform provides much information about apprenticeships including an apprenticeship search section. The peculiar aspect about this platform is that they have a special sustainability commitment wanting to contribute to...
Tools and resources United Kingdom English Other Website

Intervention methodology for working on SDGs. Education through the arts

This is the methodology proposed by María Botella Martínez in her PhD thesis. This proposal aims to get young people to think of the planet as a common space shared...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Spain Spanish Document

Introduction to Vocational training centers

In this guide video prepared by the Provincial Directorate of National Education of Ordu province in Turkey, vocational training centers are introduced to young people and help them in their...
Tools and resources Turkey Turkish Video Website

It Seems unbelievable

This material was developed by Secondary Mathematics teachers. It contains activities for classroom intervention which develop content from all the blocks of the area, specific to each level, around important...
Tools and resources Spain Spanish Document

Italy and the Sustainable Development Goals - ASviS Report2021

The Sixth annual ASviS Report on how Italy is faring in its efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which, as mentioned in the title of the 2030 Agenda,...
Policy papers Italy English Italian Document

Learn-Live-Lead Model to approach sustainability

The National University of Ireland adopts the Learn-Live-Lead Model to integrate sustainability in their pedagogical and methodological approach. They describe it as follows: Learn The aim with LEARN is to...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Ireland English Website

Legislation on Vocational Education

The purpose of this Legislations; to regulate the principles regarding the training of apprentices, journeymen and masters, and vocational training to be carried out in schools, higher education institutions and...
Tools and resources Turkey Turkish Document

Let’s accomplish all the SDGs

This is an activity created in the project called Stairway to SDG. In this activity, participants will be divided in 4-5 people groups, each group will receive a sheet with...
Tools and resources Spain Spanish Website

Libraries for Development and the 2030 Agenda

BAD, as the Portuguese association representing information and documentation professionals, implements a project that aims to enhance the role of libraries as facilitators of the implementation of the SDGs. To...
Projects Portugal Portuguese Other Website

Local educational project in the municipality of Palmela

The Local Educational Project is a territorial project that fosters new forms of communication, articulation and mobilization for education and active citizenship in Palmela. It translates into a collaborative work...
Projects Portugal Portuguese Document

MOM Cards

In AIN we worked in a European project called Mind Over Matter which sought to increase youths’ interest towards STEM careers. We created a methodology that consisted on a card...
Tools and resources Spain Spanish Other Website

NO TIME TO WASTE! - Environmental Youth Summit

This project aimed to empower young people to influence policy makers during the policy creation stage of the 2030 agenda for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on both a National...
Projects Ireland English Other Video Website

Oeiras Solidária Platform

The Oeiras Solidária platform, promoted by the municipality of Oeiras, seeks to interconnect companies, within the scope of their social responsibility policies, and initiatives that improve life in the communities,...
Projects Portugal Portuguese Website

Ophthalmology and medical clinic offers sustainability training to its employees

Clínica Baviera, a Spanish medical company with presence in Germany, has offered three internal training sessions aimed at reinforcing good practices regarding different Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): "Plastics and their...
Good practices Spain Spanish Other

Orienting curriculum of Higher Education Studies towards Sustainability

The ACES network (Spanish acronym for Curriculum Greening of Higher Education) is formed by the University of Girona (coordinator) and 5 European and 6 Latin American universities. The main objective...
Good practices Spain English Document

Panel discussion: “Pivoting to Sustainability: the Future of Business in Ireland”

At the Trinity Business Forum 2021, the Dublin University Business & Economics Society (DUBES) hosted a panel focused on the importance of businesses pivoting their operations towards one with greater...
Tools and resources Ireland English Video

Project based learning for a sustainable future

The Erasmus+ project "Project based learning for a sustainable future" will connect two internationally recognized sustainability projects in Ireland and Germany. Under the Erasmus+ project Belvedere College and Gymnasium Ochsenhausen...
Projects Ireland English Other Website


The aim of the project was to spread the SDGs in national educative centres through the materials developed in the project. These are available for both elementary and secondary school...
Projects Spain Spanish Document Other

Quality Apprenticeship Toolkit – A practical perspective for Latin America and the Caribbean

This abundant document by the International Labour Organization provides tools regarding the successful implementation of apprenticeship programs from an international point of view. The document covers concepts and elements of...
Tools and resources International Labour Organization English Document

Quiz for children about the Sustainable Development Goals

Educational quiz for children consisting of 10 questions about the SDGs.
Tools and resources Portugal Portuguese Other

RAW - Raising Awareness on effective Waste management

RAW aims to contribute to a smarter use of resources by implementing circular economy assumptions as a priority and fostering eco-design strategies. The project provides learners with state-of-the-art digital resources...
Projects Poland Bulgarian English Hungarian Polish Portuguese Spanish Turkish App Document Presentation Social network Website


Reinbath is an invention that consists of a tank to store the water we waste in the shower until it comes out hot enough to take a shower. The creators...
Good practices Spain Spanish Website

Reorienting Teacher Education to Address Sustainability

The articles of JTET (Journal of Teacher Education and Training) embrace a wide range of topics and research methodologies and encourage contributions from local scholars. The authors attempted to introduce...
Projects Latvia English Document

Research! Save the planet!

This project was led by the University Institute for water and environmental engineering research and its objective was to highlight the relevance of giving value to researching actions and their...
Projects Spain Spanish Website

RetroVET - Retrofitting Green Elements into existing VET provision

The RetroVET project has as its strategic focus to strengthen the green skills and knowledge of Vocational Education and Training (VET) institutions and professionals, so that they can support the...
Projects Germany English Estonian German Greek Italian Polish Portuguese Spanish Document Presentation Social network Website

Schools and sustainability in South Africa: Piloting a reflexive model for accredited in service teacher education

Teacher professional development course, “schools and sustainability”. The course was developed to strengthen participation of local teachers and pupils in curriculum-centred environmental learning and change processes. In the course, they...
Good practices South Africa English Document

Screwfix – Trade Apprentice 2022 (Award)

The retailing company “Screwfix” has launched an annual competition to promote apprentices and motivate them to turn into future leaders in the construction sector. The hosts of these award reason...
Projects Ireland English Other Website


“Scuola2030” project developed a website where all teachers of the Italian schools can find self-training content, resources and materials for an education inspired by the values and vision of the...
Projects Italy Italian Other Website

SDG Compass 1

The SDG Compass presents five steps to help companies maximize their contribution to the SDGs. The five steps are based on the recognition of the responsibility of all companies to...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Portugal Portuguese Document

SDG Compass 2

Online tool that provides guidance for companies on how they can align their strategies as well as measure and manage their contribution to the realization of the SDGs.
Tools and resources Switzerland English Document Social network Website

SDG indicators for Portugal

Portuguese National Statistical Institute (Instituto Nacional de Estatística) survey on the implementation of each of the SDGs in Portugal compared to the European average. The document allows monitoring the evolution...
Tools and resources Portugal Portuguese Document

SDG Toolkit for Businesses

A guide for businesses to adopt the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and commit to making changes that benefit our futures and enhance our towns, cities, communities and industries.
Tools and resources United Nations English Document

SDG Towns: YOUth Engaged 2030 Vision

This pilot project supported young people to engage with the Sustainable Development Goals and to explore how to go about creating SDG Towns in their local areas. Europe and throughout...
Projects Ireland English Other Website


UNESCO-UNEVOC supports TVET institutions in the development and implementation of green strategies to transform their learning and training environments, in fulfilment of their role in skilling learners, upskilling professionals in...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches UNESCO English Other Website

SDGs Generation

The Geração ODS project aims to contribute to the promotion of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development through the implementation of efficient and innovative multichannel communication, encouraging citizens to adopt...
Projects Portugal Portuguese Website

SDGs list on Spotify

This playlist selected by the Instituto Marquês de Valle Flôr consists of 79 songs related to the SDGs to serve as inspiration for achieving the goals set for each of...
Tools and resources Portugal English Portuguese Audio

Seminar for Sustainability in SMEs

The current situation of SMEs in Turkey, the main causes of failure in SMEs, business risks, basic management errors and solution methods are explained in the webinar held within the...
Tools and resources Turkey Turkish Video

Sintesi Project

SintThe SINTESI model has the strategic objective of reconnecting the training of apprentices to the world of work by recreating a constructive link between employers, apprentices and the public training...
Projects Italy Italian Other Website

Susan Adams – Education for Sustainability (Teaching Sustainability in Schools)

Education for Sustainability CLG is a non- profit social enterprise aimed at increasing climate literacy and fostering behaviour change in Ireland. Founded by Susan Adams in 2017, as a reflection...
Good practices Ireland English Website

Sustainability Academy

The Sustainability Academy is a non-profit sustainability platform that works to be effective in shaping a better future in the business world and to create change and transformation in this...
Good practices Turkey Turkish Website

Sustainability and Interculturality – realized by “ELIS” stands for Education, Work (in Italian Lavoro), Education (in Italian Istruzione), Sport

The Sustainability and Interculturality project aim to contribute to the growth of aware and responsible citizens, in an inclusive and interdependent society, in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Italy English Italian Other Website

Sustainability Charter for the Azores

The Azores Sustainability Charter is an initiative of the Government of the Azores to strengthen the sustainable development of the entire territory. It aims to support the adoption of the...
Projects Portugal Portuguese Document


Aim of the study is to reveal the sustainability consciousness level of high school students, also to investigate the relationship between variables such as gender, age, grade level, type of...
Tools and resources Turkey Turkish Document

Sustainability Training Curriculum

In this training curriculum, the development and transformation of the financial system within the framework of environmental, social and economic risks, sustainability, UN Sustainable Development Goals, Paris Climate Agreement, European...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Turkey Turkish Document


The data obtained from the interviews conducted with education experts on sustainable development education emphasized the necessity and significance of sustainable development education. In the study the data obtained from...
Tools and resources Turkey Turkish Document

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the practices of Education and Training institutions

This eBook contains the description of good practices of sustainability in organisations, with the involvement of more than a hundred people and institutions represented in the Sectorial Commision for Education...
Policy papers Portugal Portuguese Document

Sustainable development goals and European policies - From the Green deal to the Next generation Eu ”

The first "ASviS Book": helps to orient in European legislation relating to the 2030 Agenda. in the initial part, the book illustrates. The main body of the document describes the...
Tools and resources Italy Italian Document


This policy report aims to examining the current situation of Turkey in the context of the global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and targets with the Current Situation Analysis of Turkey...
Policy papers Turkey Turkish Document

Sustainable Development Goals game for children

The mission of this game is to help children understand the Sustainable Development Goals, how they impact their lives and what citizens can do, on a daily basis, to help...
Tools and resources Portugal Dutch English French German Greek Hungarian Italian Portuguese Romanian Turkish Other

Sustainable New World Project

The Sustainable New World project is a project planned by Mehmet Akif Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School with the aim of carrying out activities that will support the sustainable...
Projects Turkey Turkish Website

Sustainable Turn toolkit - Educational activities to contrast to hypercementification

"Sustainable Turn" is a project born from the need to try to go beyond the concept of sustainable development. The commitment of states and civil society, linked to sustainability, at...
Tools and resources Italy Italian Website

Take it – Real World Education to Boost Climate Change Adaptation

The TAKE IT project has as its strategic to develop a culture of change and sustainability, creating the background for effective climate change education to boost behavioural change and better...
Projects Belgium English French Greek Italian Portuguese Romanian Spanish Document Presentation Social network Video Website

Technical Assistance Project for Evaluation of Turkey's Potential for Transition to Circular Economy

The project, whose opening meeting was held on May 23, 2022, aims to strengthen Turkey's institutional and technical capacity in the transition to a circular economy in line with the...
Projects Turkey Turkish Website

The Innovation Alliance - SME and Higher Education Institutes in Innovation Partnerships

SME and Higher Education Institutes in Innovation Partnerships (SHIP) will strengthen the knowledge triangle, building sustainable collaborative relationships between universities, SMEs and innovation support organizations. It responds to the problem...
Projects Ireland English Other Website

The Municipalities and the Sustainable Development Goals

This eBook focuses on the dissemination of the SDGs at local level, containing examples of good practices in Portugal, Europe and the world and a guide for the implementation of...
Policy papers Portugal Portuguese Document

The new Spanish Educational law (LOMLOE) before the 2030 SDGs Agenda and de Covid 19 Challenge

The objective of this work has been to analyse the genesis of Organic Law 3/2020, of December 29, which modifies Organic Law 2/2006, of May 3, on Education (LOMLOE) through...
Policy papers Spain Spanish Document

The no hunger games

This project began with the following questions: How can we raise awareness of the problems of hunger, education and social inequality in our province and around the world? Would we...
Projects Spain Spanish Website

The SDGs in 5 major dimensions

The Intermunicipal Development Cooperation Network (Rede Intermunicipal de Cooperação para o Desenvolvimento) in collaboration with the Instituto Marquês de Valle Flôr provides a set of introductory videos on the SDGs...
Tools and resources Portugal Portuguese Video

Training manual on greening TVET (Colombo Plan Staff College)

This training manual is a guiding document for a trainer in conducting training activities related to greening TVET. The goal of the manual is to provide fundamental and step by...
Tools and resources Philippines English Document

Training on Climate Change and Sustainability

A wide range of Energy, Climate Change and Sustainability training courses designed to impart knowledge and skills in implementing best practices in your organization
Tools and resources Italy Italian Website

UET Leader - Fair Transition and Employability: Training to lead teams

Grupo Antolin, a Spanish with international presence, has launched the "UET Leader" project, which aims to provide comprehensive training for the figure of the UET (Elementary Work Unit) leader for...
Projects Spain Spanish Website

UP4Education - Helpcode Italia

The experimental project promoted by Helpcode Italia (an organization that has been dealing with projects for the protection of children since 1988), with our support, consists of remote and multidisciplinary...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Italy Italian Other Website

Urban art for the SDGs - Municipalities of Loures and Odivelas

The Municipalities of Loures and Odivelas challenged artists to create murals where the Municipalities commitment to the SDGs for a fairer and more sustainable world was visible. As a result...
Good practices Portugal Portuguese Other

VET4JOB (Vocational Training Program for Employment)

Improving the Employment Prospects for the Syrian Refugees and Host Communities by Providing High-Quality VET and Apprenticeship in Turkey Programme (Vocational Training Programme for Employment-VET4JOB) is coordinated by Expertise France...
Projects Turkey Turkish Website

Vocational Training Center Finder

Vocational training centers, within the framework of qualified workforce needs of students; are educational institutions that aim to reveal their interests, desires, talents and personality traits, to inform them about...
Tools and resources Turkey Turkish Website

Waagu, Communication for sustainability

Example of a private company, in this case, a communication agency, focused exclusively on sustainability projects and respectful and sustainable forms of communication. The business doing strategic communication and marketing...
Good practices Argentina Spanish Website

Webinar: “How can Apprenticeship, Computing and Engineering tackle Climate Change and Sustainability”

The Technical University of Dublin ran this webinar on how organizations can address climate change and sustainability. This included exploring the relationship between climate change and sustainability, what impact these...
Tools and resources Ireland English Other Video

Webinar: From the 2030 Agenda to sustainable business models

Webinar held by the RIS (Rete Innovazione Sostenibile)
Tools and resources Italy Italian Video

Winning Sustainability Strategies Online training course

Online training course designed for: Business executives, including C-suite, involved in strategy development and looking to harness sustainability innovation; Strategy practitioners wanting to understand the strategic implications of sustainability and...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches Switzerland English Other Website

Workshop Situating TVET in the global sustainability agenda - UNESCO-UNEVOC

To assist UNEVOC Centres in the implementation of Greening TVET, UNESCO-UNEVOC, jointly with the National Skills Development Corporation (NSDC) – a new UNEVOC Centre in India – co-organized a five-day...
Methodologies and pedagogical approaches UNESCO English Website

WWF and IE - 100 companies for forests

IE University's project in collaboration with WWF was born from the voluntary decision of students to go paperless, which has an economic saving, and is entirely dedicated to two purposes:...
Projects Spain Spanish Video

Young people promoting sustainability

This initiative was promoted by the Municipality of Setúbal in partnership with the Instituto Marquês de Valle Flôr and Rede Intermunicipal de Cooperação para o Desenvolvimento and funded by the...
Good practices Portugal Portuguese Video Website

Youth Action for the SDGs: mobilization and educational process for the sustainable development in secondary and VET centres.

YOUTH ACTION FOR THE SDGs is a proposal by the Albihar Foundation and Geologists for the World to bring the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) closer to the educational...
Tools and resources Spain Spanish Website

Youth Art Competition "Towards 2030” in Maia

In May 2021 a contest allusive to the SDGs took place in Maia. Seventeen works were selected, representing each of the Sustainable Development Goals, which were then displayed in a...
Projects Portugal Portuguese Other